if all we get job than who will create job?

Very interesting fact that graduates comes back to get a job for 20000 to 50000 (US$300 to US$700) a month! We really do not know how many years the child has to work to earn the money the parents have spent on him. I strongly feel children should be content with their parents providing them with an up to degree level.
[ If they want more education, they should pay for it themselves.]
Well if cream of our society is going out to look for a job, then who is going to create the job? The answer becomes very obvious. The poor soul of our society, those dropouts, those who have no chance to enter the university, who have no choice. They are forced to be entrepreneurs, industrialists, the creators of jobs. They could not compete in the market where all the professionals are. They would not be able to land themselves a good job!
Dropouts, farm boy became a success stories built an empire etc why can’t university graduates do it?
May be due to ..........
They have such a comfortable great job that they are scared of losing it.
They are also scared losing “security” and they fear that they may not be able to get the same job and same perks should they fail when they venture out.Job or job creators


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